Since 1944, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) has been the leading voice in advancing womens’ health care. Its core purpose is to support its members through evidence-based resources and provide the public with the latest, fact-based knowledge on reproductive health.
Alphabet® has worked with the SOGC since 2015 as its agency of record, building both digital and content and marketing strategies that promote critical information on sexual health, pregnancy, menopause, and everything in between.
website development
Over time, the SOGC’s digital ecosystem became fragmented. It was clear that a more holistic digital strategy was needed to ensure its valuable content and resources were easily accessible. Not just that, but we needed to reinforce the SOGC as a thought leader of reproductive health and convey the level of excellence expected of a national association.
We worked with the SOGC to architect a new digital strategy that involved auditing, redesigning, and optimizing the organization’s many existing websites – and updating content across the board. Then, we built out several new sites to help educate the public on a host of topical issues. Lastly, we ensured the SOGC’s digital properties felt more like resources than siloed websites, creating, one place for the public and members to get the reliable info they need.
digital tools
Contraception decisions can be overwhelming. To help the SOGC keep people informed of their options, we created two practical, interactive tools tailored to a user’s needs.
Helping people and their health care providers determine the right contraception option.
try it outSharing measures to help reduce the risk of pregnancy after a missed or extended dose of contraception.
try it outcreative strategy
As the SOGC’s agency of record, not only have we implemented an effective new web strategy, but we’ve launched over 20 campaigns to keep the organization’s resources top of mind. From alcohol during pregnancy to HPV awareness to timely vaccination issues, we’ve joined forces time and again to get the word out in a way that sticks.
To promote, which educates women on their menstrual cycles (from puberty to menopause and everything in between), we first needed to tackle the stigma. The result was the Sorry Not Sorry campaign, which facilitated an open conversation around something no woman should have to feel ashamed of. Or hide. Or apologize for. Sorry. (But not really.)
Sex is natural – so talking about it should be, too. To encourage people to get the facts on everything from consent to contraception at, we took a tongue-in-cheek approach to a traditionally awkward topic.
Our It's a Plan campaign highlighted a basic human truth: that we’re all just animals with basic animal instincts. Unlike penguins, however, we can (and should) make a contraception plan before getting down to business.
Due to a general lack of knowledge around the topic, menopause is typically perceived to be a daunting period in women’s lives. To drive women to get the facts at, we brought their fear to the forefront – so we could remove it.
Even in a time of physical distancing, you can’t ignore the fact that some people are going to go the distance physically. The SOGC was keen on reinforcing the importance of contraception, even as many people shifted their focus to a different kind of protection. "Love in the Time of COVID" was built to remind people about their contraception options and how to find the method that best works for them, even amidst a pandemic.
HPV is both highly contagious and the leading cause of cervical cancer. It’s an important and complex message. In addition to providing the details, we wanted to hear from women and start a conversation.
marketing strategy
The SOGC plays an important role in improving the quality of womens’ health care. Key to that is educating Canadian women about health issues and how to protect themselves and their families.
Alphabet® continues to work with the SOGC to reach women through layered programs grounded in thoughtful messaging, targeted channels, and tools and resources supported by evidence.
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