Mike Short

Motion Designer & Editor

Mike Short Photo
  • Graduated from the Graphic Design program at Algonquin College with Honours

Mike has an educational background in graphic design. Prior to attending post-secondary schooling, he gained valuable experience through his high school graphic design, photography, and art programs.

Previous to working for Alphabet®, Mike devoted himself to three years of educational training in the Ontario college system. He graduated from the Graphic Design program at Algonquin College with honours.

Mike is someone who is constantly analyzing the design, style, and function of everything he comes into contact with. His interest and attention to the world around him keeps his ideas fresh and varied and gives him creative inspiration for each of his projects. His ability to problem-solve and generate a creative solution is showcased in brainstorming and group projects. His ability to take an idea further is what sets him apart.

He has experience working as both an in-house designer and agency team member, providing him with a range of different experiences and skills.

contact Mike

From the team


The trend trap: how not to be memorable

by Cory Davis

You’re at a crossroads.  One way takes you in the direction everybody’s going. It’s safe. No one doubts this well-worn road. No one faults you for...

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Leading the Way: An Exploration of Typography

by Meagan Kelly

Let’s be clear about something right off the hop. I am not a designer, nor do I claim to be one. My design accolades include “Decently Proficient at...

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digital marketing

How Music Tells The Story in Video

by Mike Short

It adds suspense and intrigue, uplifts and pulls at your heart strings. It complements or creates cognitive dissonance. It speaks without saying a word. ...

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The Future of Tourism with AI: Planned by AI, experienced by you

by Marley Kirkpatrick

Artificial Intelligence is just about everywhere at this point. You work with it, you create with it. You may even use it every day—a lot of us do, whether...

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7 Winning Examples of Brand Digital Transformation

by Alphabet®

It seems like new digital channels are emerging every day, each one promising to deliver a better customer experience. Keeping up is a challenge, but...

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AI vs. Automation: Is It Intelligent or Just Useful?

by Alphabet®

Imagine a life completely automated. Your coffee brews, pours, and mixes itself as you wake up. Your emails are sorted before you start work. And the work...

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web design

Speed Matters: Website Performance and Perception

by Devon Kunkel

Want more sales, sign ups, and heads in beds? A fast, functioning website is a must have. Get the facts on the Alphabet®...

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digital marketing

The Power of Podcasts: Best Practices for a Standout Show

by Alphabet®

A good podcast can engage your audience, amplify your voice, and build your brand. Dig into best practices for a standout show on the Alphabet®...

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What Sustainable Tourism Really Means: It’s More Than “Going Green”

by Katie Greiss

Everything to know about sustainable tourism. From what it is and implementation to measuring success and...

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