digital marketing

Actionable GDPR Compliance Advice For Canadian Businesses From Our Lawyers

by Alphabet®

Alphabet® decided to spare you hours of internet research and multiple headaches by consulting the experts and going directly to our lawyers at Momentum Law...

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digital marketing, social media

Cross Channel Marketing

by Alphabet®

When was the last time you bought a product or service after seeing it advertised for the first time? For most of us, we see products multiple times before we...

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campaigns, digital marketing, social media

Nutrition Campaign Serves Up Success

by Alphabet®

We took aim at the misconceptions about nutrition in our “*Technically*” campaign. Taking a comedic stance in this internet-wide debate, we decided the...

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digital marketing, social media

Investigating TikTok – Alphabet® rises to the challenge – Part 1

by Alphabet®

We’d love to open this piece up with some TikTok references, but they’ll be outdated before it even goes live. So, we made an account so we can just show...

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