digital marketing

How to Edit Your Way to a Captivating Video

by Mike Short

A video editor is like the bass player in a band.  Oftentimes, they’re overshadowed by the drummer, but their role is as important to the rhythm (or...

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What’s in a Name?

by Steve Bowker

On the surface, a good brand name feels like it’s meant to be. It’s clear, concise, and memorable, and it works hard to drive equity – without us even...

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digital marketing, social media

The Art of the Hashtag

by Cory Davis

A pound sign here, a number sign there, and you’re good to go, right?  Not quite (#SorryNotSorry). There’s more to expanding your reach on social...

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culture, industry

Hitting a Creative Wall? Try Thinking Inside the Box.

by Alphabet®

“Think outside the box.” We’ve all heard it. A mantra so married to the creative industry, so embedded in our lexicon, it’s as commonly uttered as...

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How creative messaging can elicit an emotional response

by Alphabet®

In Episode 4, Tony has a casual conversation with Dr. Alfonso Abizaid, neuroscientist and recipient of the Governor General Medal for his PhD work. What...

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Can you lose your ability to be creative?

by Alphabet®

In Episode 3, Tony and Dr. Hymie Anisman, neuroscientist and psychology professor, explore an occurence we’re all prone to: creative block. Learn how stress...

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How does the brain process creative feedback?

by Alphabet®

In Episode 2, Tony speaks with child and family therapist Brogan Van to learn how, as creative professionals, we can develop resilience, understanding, and...

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Emotional connections in the emotional brain

by Alphabet®

In our inaugural episode, Tony joins Dr. Zul Merali, neuroscientist and founding director of the Brain and Mind Institute at the Aga Khan University, to...

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