Cory Davis Copywriter



The trend trap: how not to be memorable

You’re at a crossroads. 

One way takes you in the direction everybody’s going. It’s safe. No one doubts this well-worn road. No one faults you for following along. 

The other way is lonely. It’s risky. Most scoff at you for taking this route. They question your expertise.

Which way are you going?

Big picture brand building is at the heart of this question. It’s meant to get you thinking about how intentional consumers are with their attention, about leaving a lasting impression.

And about what it takes to set yourself apart.

Fit in or stand out

This is the common narrative:

  • If everybody’s there, you need to be there, too
  • If they’re all talking about it, so should you
  • If no one is doing it, why would you?

This is the language of the trend chaser. The one who puts short-term gain over long-term value, a quick conversion over a slow-steeped relationship.

Storyteller and marketer Jay Acunzo said, “It’s never been easier to be average, to blend in.”

He’s not wrong. With generative A.I. regurgitating the been there, done that of the internet, creativity has become commodified. And advertisers are all racing to the bottom.

Anyone can create an ad with a single prompt. And digital channels mean they can target everyone everywhere all at once.

But just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

Acunzo also said “Don’t market more. Matter more.” He preaches “resonance over reach.”

He’s speaking in the context of a personal brand, but it relates to brands in general. It speaks to having a deep understanding of your audience and having the guts to go against the grain.

It means looking at the crowd and choosing to stand out. Because it’s easier to be seen by the ones that truly matter, the people you’re trying to connect with. 

Because “people like us do things like this,” as renowned marketer Seth Godin put it in his book This Is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See.

What I’m getting at is perfectly summed up in the strapline of a Levi’s ad by BBH in 1982: When the world zigs, zag.

Chronically online

Modern consumers in the modern world are connected twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five. We’re chronically online, seriously.

I blame social media. 

Following the onslaught of the 2020 global pandemic, I succumbed to social media fatigue. A lot of us did. Five years later, I’d like to think we’re spending more time touching grass again. I’d like to think we’re more mindful and selective with our behaviour.

One thing I’m certain of is consumers are more aware of brands vying for their attention online. That, and current political affairs have users and brands moving away from certain social media platforms.

Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman at Ogilvy UK, posted on LinkedIn about why he’s recommending direct mail to his clients.

Because the results are positive.

Because social media is noisy and inboxes are overcrowded—but mailboxes are nearly empty.

Because people are surprised, even excited, to get a physical piece of mail these days. Especially younger generations.

But most of all, it’s a way to own a space with little competition.

In 2023, the median ROI of direct mail was 29%, according to the Association of National Advertisers, outperforming online display ads.

Top 5 Direct Mail Trends for 2023 and Beyond

There’s an opportunity to build your brand and create relationships by going old school. And the case has never been stronger to take an integrated approach to your strategy. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, right?

Take a close look at your marketing and advertising. But also take a step back. What has long-term impact and what’s a short-term tactic? 

Being very mindful, very demure on TikTok might earn you vanity metrics for a couple of weeks. But an out-of-home campaign complimented by direct mail and radio might boost sales or memberships for months.

Face it, social media trends are a dime a dozen. How often do they align with your brand values and messaging? How easily are they adapted to various mediums?

Remember, just because they’re chasing the trend, it doesn’t mean you should.

  • Pay attention to the competition;
  • look for the crowd; and
  • turn in the opposite direction.

Because when the world zigs, it’s wiser to zag. And more profitable, too.

You’re at a crossroads. When you’re ready to blaze your own trail, we can help light the way. Contact Alphabet® to find out how.